Posted on 2023-08-05 by George Lindley
They say that working on projects is far more beneficial for developing your skills as a computer scientist then following along tutorials/doing courses. That's certainly been the case for me as I completed my final project for the CS50 Introduciton to Computer Science course from Harvard Unviersity. I work at...Posted on 2023-10-18 by George Lindley
 This is a different type of street photography that I normally do. But it came naturally, as did my exploration of motion in my photos. There’s a few photos where motion come out very well, it’s not overdone, because it’s purely using a Ricoh GR...Posted on 2024-11-12 by George Lindley
Let's assume for now 'human skills' can be defined as everything ChatGPT (and AI more broadly) cannot do. We can take this thought experiment to add to the conversation of what should be taught in school. **...walking into our science lab** Naval in a podcast briefly describees the current capabilties...Posted on 2024-11-13 by George Lindley
Recently I cam accross the concept of 'Learning Velocity'. This is both something I don't think has been discussed enough and perhaps now is the time to discuss it based on recent progress made in analytics and AI. Schooling is mostly about - did they learn the knowledge or not?...